Call for Papers

This workshop aims to generate awareness in the community that considering learner data beyond the course platform and course-offering window can uncover previously unconsidered learning behaviors. As such, in adopting and developing this integrated learning analytics approach, the overall goal of the present workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines and areas of expertise to herald a new MOOC research branch on tracking and analyzing longitudinal MOOC learner development.

Presentations on finished, ongoing, and proposed studies, as well as facilitated discussion sessions are planned to develop a preliminary framework to illustrate the current development of the field and to inspire attendees to come up with exciting new lines of research of their own. Toward building this framework, the following guiding questions are included:

Submission Instructions

We provide two submission types in order to maximize participation opportunities and create a discussion that is as timely as possible.

All papers should follow the ACM Proceedings Format (same as LAK research track submissions). The submission will be handled via EasyChair

We will publish accepted papers and abstracts in a Workshop Proceeding, and with authors’ permission, presentation materials. The proceedings will also include a summary of the workshop and will be published online.

Program Committee:

Important Dates:

December 21st – Deadline for submissions
Deadline Extended to January 9th!

January 15th - Notifications of acceptance

January 20th - (early bird registration deadline) confirmation of attendance

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